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Standard ArabicVocabulary0 to A1 CourseOrdinal numbers

Heading level 1[keisti | redaguoti vikitekstą]

Welcome to the Standard Arabic course for beginners. In this lesson, we will learn how to form and use ordinal numbers in Arabic. Ordinal numbers are used to indicate the position of an item in a series, such as first, second, third, and so on.

Heading level 2: What are ordinal numbers?[keisti | redaguoti vikitekstą]

Ordinal numbers are words used to represent the order or position of elements in a list. For example, first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and so on. In Standard Arabic, ordinal numbers are usually formed by adding the suffix "ِّـيْن" ("-een"/"-iin") to the cardinal number form, which is used to represent quantity.

Here are the ordinal numbers from 1 to 10 in Standard Arabic:

Standard Arabic Pronunciation English Translation
الأُولَى al-ʾ'ūlah The first one
الثَانِيَة aṯ-ṯāniyah The second one
الثالِثَة al-ṯaaliṯah The third one
الرّابِعَة ar-rābiʿah The fourth one
الخامِسَة al-khāmisa The fifth one
السّادِسَة as-sādisa The sixth one
السّابِعَة as-sābiʿah The seventh one
الثّامِنَة aṯ-ṯāminah The eighth one
التّاسِعَة at-tāsiʿah The ninth one
العاَشِرَة al-ʿaashirah The tenth one

Heading level 3: Special cases[keisti | redaguoti vikitekstą]

There are some special cases when forming the ordinal numbers:

- When the cardinal number ends with "1," the ending will be "-st" in English, while in Arabic we will use "-first" (الأولى - al-ʾ'ūlah). For example:

Cardinal Ordinal
وَاحِد الأُولَى

- When the cardinal number ends with "2," the ending will be "-nd" in English, while in Arabic we will use "-second" (الثانِيَة - aṯ-ṯāniyah). For example:

Cardinal Ordinal
اثنان الثانِيَة

- When the cardinal number ends with "3," the ending will be "-rd" in English, while in Arabic we will use "-third" (الثالِثَة - al-ṯaaliṯah). For example:

Cardinal Ordinal
ثَلاثَة الثالِثَة

- For the numbers from 11 to 19, the ordinal can be formed by adding the suffix "-th" in English or "-eleventh" to "-nineteenth" in Arabic (الحادِي عَشَر - al-ḥādi ʿashar / الثالِث عَشَر - at-thāliṯ ʿashar / الخامِس عَشَر - al-khaamis ʿashar / الثَامِن عَشَر - aṯ-ṯāmin ʿashar / التّاسِع عَشَر - at-tāsiʿ ʿashar). For example:

Cardinal Ordinal
أحَد عَشَر الحادِي عَشَر

Heading level 2: How to use ordinal numbers[keisti | redaguoti vikitekstą]

Ordinal numbers can be used to represent the position in a series (first, second, third), the hierarchy of people (president, vice-president), or fractions (one-third, two-fifths).

Here are some examples of how to use ordinal numbers in everyday Arabic:

- First, we must clean the room. الأولى، يَجِب أَنْ نَنْظُف الغُرْفَة.

- He won the second place in the competition. فَازَ بِالمَرْكِز الثانِي في المُنافَسَة.

- The third one from the left. الثالِثَة مِنَ اليَسار.

- The fifth chapter in the book. الفَصْل الخامِس في الكِتاب.

Heading level 2: Exercises[keisti | redaguoti vikitekstą]

Let's practice forming and using ordinal numbers. Translate the following sentences from English to Standard Arabic:

  1. This is my first time in this city.
  2. He is the second son in the family.
  3. She came in third place in the competition.
  4. The fourth chapter is the most interesting.
  5. My birthday is on the eighth of May.

Heading level 1: Conclusion[keisti | redaguoti vikitekstą]

In this lesson, we learned how to form and use ordinal numbers in Standard Arabic. We discussed how to form the ordinal numbers from 1 to 10, as well as some special cases. We practiced using ordinal numbers in different contexts and situations. Keep practicing to improve your Arabic language skills!

Turinio sąrašas - Standartinės arabų kalbos kursas - nuo 0 iki A1[redaguoti vikitekstą]

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