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한국어어휘0 to A1 Course가족과 친구

Heading level 1[編集 | ソースを編集]

In this lesson, you will learn vocabulary related to family and friends. You will engage in dialogues and conversations about close people in your life.

Heading level 2[編集 | ソースを編集]

Lesson Vocabulary

The following table shows the essential vocabulary for this lesson.

Korean Pronunciation Japanese Translation
가족 gajok 家族 (かぞく)
부모님 bumonim 両親 (りょうしん)
아버지 abeoji 父 (ちち)
어머니 eomeoni 母 (はは)
남편 nampyeon 夫 (おっと)
아내 anae 妻 (つま)
아들 adeul 息子 (むすこ)
ttal 娘 (むすめ)
hyeong 兄 (あに)
누나 nuna 姉 (あね)
동생 dongsaeng 弟 (おとうと) or 妹 (いもうと)
친구 chingu 友達 (ともだち)

Heading level 2[編集 | ソースを編集]


Here are some examples of dialogues about family and friends:

Dialogue 1: A: 안녕하세요. 이분은 누구세요? B: 이분은 제 친구입니다. 이름은 김지영이에요. A: 아, 반갑습니다. 저는 김민수예요.

Dialogue 2: A: 존경하는 부모님께, 이 편지를 드리고자 합니다. B: 네, 어디서 왔다고 하세요? A: 제가 서울에서 일하고 있습니다. 오늘은 부모님을 생각하며 편지를 썼어요.

Heading level 2[編集 | ソースを編集]


Translate the following sentences into Korean:

  1. My father's name is Lee Sang-hoon.
  2. I have two sisters and one brother.
  3. My best friend's name is Park Ji-hyun.

Heading level 2[編集 | ソースを編集]

Culture Tips

In Korea, family is very important. It is common for parents to have high expectations of their children, and for children to respect and care for their parents. Koreans also value friendships and often form close bonds with their peers.

Interesting Facts

- The traditional Korean family structure is based on Confucian values, which emphasize the importance of family hierarchy and filial piety. - In Korea, it is common to use kinship terms to address people who are older than oneself, even if they are not related by blood. - The Korean word for "family" (가족) is a combination of the words "home" and "people".

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