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SwedishGrammar0 to A1 CourseComparison of Adjectives

Heading level 1[өңдеу | қайнарын өңдеу]

In this lesson, we will learn how to compare adjectives in Swedish and form comparative and superlative forms. Let's get started!

Heading level 2: Understanding Comparison of Adjectives[өңдеу | қайнарын өңдеу]

In Swedish, there are two ways to compare adjectives: the comparative form and the superlative form. The comparative form is used when comparing two things, while the superlative form is used when comparing three or more things. Below are examples:

  • **Comparative form:** The dog is bigger than the cat.
  • **Superlative form:** The elephant is the biggest animal in the zoo.

Heading level 3: Comparative Form[өңдеу | қайнарын өңдеу]

To form the comparative form, you need to add -are to the end of the adjective if it's a one-syllable word. If the adjective has two or more syllables, you add "mer" to the beginning of the word. Let's take a look at some examples in the table below:

Swedish Pronunciation Kazakh
Stor (big) [stuːr] үлкен
Liten (small) [liːtɛn] кіші
Stark (strong) [staɾk] күшті

As you can see in the table, to form the comparative form of "stor" (big), you add -are to the end to make "större" (bigger). For "liten" (small), you add "mer" to the beginning to make "mindre" (smaller). For "stark" (strong), you also add "are" to the end to make "starkare" (stronger).

Heading level 3: Superlative Form[өңдеу | қайнарын өңдеу]

To form the superlative form, you need to add -ast to the end of the adjective if it's a one-syllable word. If the adjective has two or more syllables, you add "mest" to the beginning of the word. Let's take a look at some examples in the table below:

Swedish Pronunciation Kazakh
Stor (big) [stuːr] үлкен
Liten (small) [liːtɛn] кіші
Stark (strong) [staɾk] күшті

As you can see in the table, to form the superlative form of "stor" (big), you add -ast to the end to make "störst" (biggest). For "liten" (small), you add "mest" to the beginning to make "minst" (smallest). For "stark" (strong), you also add "ast" to the end to make "starkast" (strongest).

Heading level 1: Conclusion[өңдеу | қайнарын өңдеу]

Congratulations! You have now learned how to compare adjectives in Swedish and form comparative and superlative forms. Keep practicing and you'll be an expert in no time!

Курстар Table of Contents - Swedish Course - 0 to A1[қайнарын өңдеу]

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