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Slovenian Vocabulary - Idiomatic expressions

Hi Slovenian learners! šŸ˜Š
In this lesson, we will focus on Slovenian vocabulary and more specifically on some commonly used Slovenian idiomatic expressions that will help you sound more like a native speaker. We will also provide cultural information and interesting facts to help you understand the use of these expressions.

Don't hesitate to practice and use these expressions in context with native speakers and ask them any questions you may have. And remember, making mistakes is part of the learning process, so don't be afraid to try!

Greetings[edit | edit source]

When it comes to greetings, Slovenians tend to be quite formal. Unlike in some countries where it is common to greet people with a hug or a kiss on the cheek, Slovenians will usually greet each other with a handshake, especially in formal situations. However, among close friends or family members, it is not uncommon to greet each other with a hug or a kiss on the cheek.

Here are some common greetings in Slovenian:

Slovenian Pronunciation English
Dober dan doh-ber dahn Good afternoon
Dober večer doh-ber vay-cher Good evening
Lahko noč LAH-koh nohch Good night
Zdravo ZDRAH-voh Hello
Nasvidenje NAHs-vee-deh-nyeh Goodbye


  • Person 1: Dober dan, kako ste? (Good afternoon, how are you?)
  • Person 2: Dober dan, dobro hvala. Kako ste vi? (Good afternoon, I'm fine thank you. How are you?)
  • Person 1: Tudi jaz sem dobro, hvala. (I'm also fine, thank you.)

Weather[edit | edit source]

Talking about the weather is a common small talk topic and Slovenians are no exception. Here are some idiomatic expressions used to describe the weather:

Slovenian Pronunciation English
Sončno je SOHNCH-noh yeh It's sunny
Dežuje DEH-zhoo-yeh It's raining
Megleno je MEH-glehn-oh yeh It's foggy
Oblačno je oh-BLAHCH-noh yeh It's cloudy
Vetrovno je VEHT-row-vnoh yeh It's windy
Toplo je TOH-ploh yeh It's warm
Mrzlo je MRRZ-loh yeh It's cold


  • Person 1: Kako je vreme danes? (How's the weather today?)
  • Person 2: Oblačno je, lahko bi tudi deževalo. (It's cloudy, it might also rain.)
  • Person 1: Upam, da bo vsaj jutri sončno. (I hope it will be sunny tomorrow.)

Food and drinks[edit | edit source]

Slovenia is known for its diverse cuisine and refreshing drinks. Here are some idiomatic expressions related to food and drinks:

Slovenian Pronunciation English
Dober tek! DOH-ber tek Bon appƩtit!/Enjoy your meal!
Na zdravje! na ZDRAH-vyeh Cheers!/Bless you!
Živijo! zhee-VEE-yoh Hi!/Hello!
Kaj boÅ” pil? kai bosh peel What will you drink?
Lahko dobim račun, prosim? LAH-koh DOH-beem RAH-choon, PROH-seem Can I have the check, please?


  • Person 1: Dober tek! (Bon appĆ©tit!)
  • Person 2: Hvala, zelo je okusno. (Thank you, it's really tasty.)
  • Person 1: Kaj boÅ” pil? (What will you drink?)
  • Person 2: Rad bi si privoŔčil kozarec rdečega vina. (I would like a glass of red wine.)

Emotions[edit | edit source]

Expressing emotions in Slovenian can be challenging, especially when it comes to subtle nuances of feelings. Here are some idiomatic expressions related to emotions and their translations:

Slovenian Pronunciation English
Pustil me je na cedilu. POO-stil meh yeh na tseh-DEE-loo He left me in the lurch.
Imeti metuljčke v trebuhu. ee-MEH-tee meh-TOOL-chkeh f treh-BOO-hoo To have butterflies in one's stomach.
Biti v sedmih nebesih. BEE-tee v SEHD-meeh NEH-beh-seeh To be over the moon.
Vreči denar skozi okno. VREH-chee DEH-nahr SKOH-zhee OH-knoh To throw money out the window.
Biti na koncu z živci. BEE-tee nah KOHN-tsoo z zhiv-tsi To be at the end of one's tether.


  • Person 1: Kako se počutiÅ”? (How do you feel?)
  • Person 2: Imeti metuljčke v trebuhu. (I have butterflies in my stomach.)
  • Person 1: Zakaj? (Why?)
  • Person 2: Zmenila sem se za zmenek in sem malce nervozna. (I have a date and I'm a bit nervous.)

Miscellaneous[edit | edit source]

Here are some other idiomatic expressions that don't fit into a specific category:

Slovenian Pronunciation English
Narediti črno na belem. na-REH-dee-tee CHRR-noh nah BEH-lehm To make it black on white.
Živeti kot ptič pred zimo. zhee-VEH-tee koht PTIHTS prehd ZEE-moh To live like a bird before winter.
Imeti rdečo nit. ee-MEH-tee rdeh-CHOH neet To have a red thread.
Pojesti svoj kruh. po-YEH-stee svoi krooh To eat one's own bread.
Imeti dolge roke. ee-MEH-tee DOHL-geh ROH-keh To have long hands.


  • Person 1: Kaj pomeni "narediti črno na belem"? (What does "to make it black on white" mean?)
  • Person 2: Pomeni, da se stvari jasno izrazijo in zapiÅ”ejo. (It means to express and write things clearly.)
  • Person 1: Razumem. In kaj pomeni "imeti dolge roke"? (I understand. And what does "to have long hands" mean?)
  • Person 2: Pomeni, da so osebe spretno v reÅ”evanju praktičnih nalog. (It means that the person is skillful in solving practical tasks.)

That's all for now! We hope you enjoyed learning these idiomatic expressions and that you feel more confident using them in your conversations in Slovenian. Remember to practice and don't hesitate to ask questions and learn more about Slovenian culture and language!

āž” If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
āž” Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. šŸ˜Ž

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