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Galician Vocabulary - Health

Hi Galician learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will focus on health-related vocabulary. We will cover some useful words and expressions that you can use in medical situations. Additionally, we will learn about some cultural differences related to health.

Finish this lesson and explore these related pages: Clothes & Problems in Galician.

Basic Health Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Let's start with some basic words and expressions related to health:

Galician Pronunciation English
saúde saʊˈdɛ Health
enfermidade ɛŋfɛrmidˈadɛ Illness
dolor doˈloɾ Pain
ferida fɛˈɾidɐ Wound
vomitar bumiˈtaɾ To vomit
tose tos Cough
estornudar estornudar To sneeze
mareo maˈɾeo Dizziness
fadiga fadiga Fatigue

Now, let's see some more specific vocabulary:

Galician Pronunciation English
febre ˈfɛbɾɛ Fever
diarrea diaɾˈɾeja Diarrhea
dor de garganta doɾ dɛ ɡaɾˈɡãtɐ Sore throat
choque anafilático ˈtʃo.kɛ anafiˈlatiko Anaphylactic shock
alerxia aˈleɾʃia Allergy
asma ˈazma Asthma
diabete djaβete Diabetes
infarto imˈfaɾto Heart attack
tensión arterial tẽ.sjõw̃ aɾteˈɾjal Blood pressure

Now, let's see some of these words used in context:

  • Person 1: Sinto moita fadiga. (I'm feeling very tired.)
  • Person 2: Debe ser pola falta de sono. (It must be because of lack of sleep.)
  • Person 1: Tamén sinto dor de garganta. (I also have a sore throat.)
  • Person 2: E exerce tamén? (And does it hurt when you swallow?)
  • Person 1: Non, só cando fallo. (No, only when I speak.)
  • Person 2: Parece que tes unha infección na garganta. (It seems like you have a throat infection.)

Traditional Galician Medicine[edit | edit source]

Galicia has a long-standing tradition of using natural remedies to cure various ailments. Some of the most popular remedies include:

  • Camomila (chamomile): It has relaxing properties and can be used to treat insomnia, anxiety, and digestive problems.
  • Eucalipto (eucalyptus): It helps with respiratory problems, such as colds, coughs, and bronchitis.
  • Menta (mint): It has anti-inflammatory properties and can be used to treat headaches, indigestion, and nausea.
  • Mel (honey): It has antibacterial properties and can be used to treat sore throat and cough.
  • Azeite de oliva (olive oil): It has anti-inflammatory properties and can be used as a moisturizer for dry skin.

Galician traditional medicine also includes the use of various plants and herbs, like urtiga (nettle), roseira (rosehip), and herba de San Xoán (St. John's wort).

Healthcare System in Galicia[edit | edit source]

Spain has a public healthcare system that provides free or low-cost healthcare to citizens and legal residents. Galicia has its own healthcare system, known as Sergas (Servizo Galego de Saúde). Sergas provides healthcare services to the population of Galicia and is responsible for managing hospitals, clinics, and health centers in the region.

If you need medical assistance in Galicia, you can go to a centro de saúde (health center) or a hospital. You can also call the emergency number 112 in case of a medical emergency.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

In this lesson, we have learned some useful vocabulary related to health, some traditional Galician remedies, and some information about the healthcare system in Galicia. To improve your Galician Vocabulary, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

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Upon wrapping up this lesson, take a look at these related pages: Express Surprise & Seasons.

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