mid night

आयोजन का वर्णन

  • Date: Aug 14, 2012
  • Samay: 19:52
  • Address: Address visible for attendees
  • Phone number: 07507344244

exchange languages, english, frech, chiese , japanese , arabic, spanish and germnay


[No response from organiser - please contact organiser directly if you are to join. I couldn't get any response from the organiser on this event : by Toshi (13/Aug/2012)]


ये हमारे बारे में बात करते हैं

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


pooya2014 profile picture pooya2014April 2014
i like to learn English i can teach you Persian
mathias8 profile picture mathias8September 2012
Yes!! I'd like to come! Can you give me a details of address and the time and date? Thank You

TravlinMike profile picture TravlinMikeAugust 2012
I actually spoke to the guy 2 days ago. He said he was looking for a venue. Didn't sound as though it would happen. Shame. Ealing Broadway is quite trendy.
  • T0shi profile picture T0shiAugust 2012
    Hi Mike, thanks for your update. I thought I would give him a ring, but in the mean time if he couldn't even update here, there'd be no point. Please wait for another meeting - I'd post one for this month.
  • vincent profile picture vincentAugust 2012
    Maybe it was not clear enough that when you create a meeting, it is a real one not just virtual on the internet, anyway feel free to create a real one this time !!
T0shi profile picture T0shiAugust 2012
He logged in was on Aug 05, 2012 so personally I don't think this meeting would happen.