
Tekst nga 55elena_jv - English

  • Vestiges of the Past

  • Is it easy to send postcards in your country?
    • In mine it becomes more and more difficult each times.
    • Actually postboxes now are the same relic of the past as such payphones.
    • With the only difference that payphones are impossible to see at all now, al least in big cities.
    • They were popular in my childhood, but then the era of cell phones came and erased payphones from the earth face.
    • What about mailboxes, they are erased too.
    • Just only 5 years ago postboxes were everywhere - near hospitals, libraries, stations and other social objects.
    • Their amount have been decreased until ones the mailbox disappeared from the main railway station.
    • Now you can find it only near post offices and often just inside it.
    • It is really uncomfortable.
    • But the reality is that postcards and paper letters become real relic, more and more difficult to use.
    • I wonder maybe mailboxes from living houses also disappear once...
    • Or they still need to put somewhere those intrusive advertising?
    • Actually post itself works normally, there is always crowded, to sent or get parcels, even to pay bills, but asking about stamps already puzzling people.
    • I always knew that my passion of postcards doesn’t match the time.
    • But as further it is, than stronger the feel of unique and archaic of it all.