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◀️ Indonesian Batik — Previous Lesson Next Lesson — Natural Disasters ▶️

IndonesianVocabulary0 to A1 Course → Emergencies → Medical Emergencies

In this lesson, we will learn some basic medical terms and phrases in Indonesian. It is important to be able to communicate about medical emergencies, especially when traveling or living in Indonesia. We will cover common words and phrases related to illnesses, doctors, hospitals, and ambulances. By the end of this lesson, you will have a better understanding of how to handle medical emergencies in Indonesian.

Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Illnesses[edit | edit source]

Let's start by learning some common illnesses in Indonesian:

Indonesian Pronunciation English Translation
sakit sah-keet sick
flu floo flu
demam deh-mahm fever
batuk bah-took cough
pilek pee-lek runny nose

Here are a few example sentences using these words:

  • Saya sakit. (I am sick.)
  • Dia punya flu. (He/she has the flu.)
  • Kami demam. (We have a fever.)

Doctors[edit | edit source]

Next, let's learn some words related to doctors:

Indonesian Pronunciation English Translation
dokter dock-ter doctor
spesialis speh-see-ah-lees specialist
perawat peh-rah-waht nurse

Here are a few example sentences using these words:

  • Saya perlu pergi ke dokter. (I need to go to the doctor.)
  • Dia adalah seorang spesialis. (He/she is a specialist.)
  • Perawat sangat membantu. (Nurses are very helpful.)

Hospitals[edit | edit source]

Now, let's learn some words related to hospitals:

Indonesian Pronunciation English Translation
rumah sakit roo-mah sah-keet hospital
kamar kah-mar room
apotek ah-po-tek pharmacy

Here are a few example sentences using these words:

  • Rumah sakit ini besar. (This hospital is big.)
  • Saya ingin memesan kamar. (I want to book a room.)
  • Saya perlu pergi ke apotek. (I need to go to the pharmacy.)

Ambulances[edit | edit source]

Lastly, let's learn some words related to ambulances:

Indonesian Pronunciation English Translation
ambulans am-boo-lans ambulance
darurat dah-roo-rat emergency
telepon darurat teh-leh-pon dah-roo-rat emergency phone

Here are a few example sentences using these words:

  • Segera panggil ambulans! (Call an ambulance immediately!)
  • Apa nomor telepon darurat di sini? (What is the emergency phone number here?)
  • Ada keadaan darurat. (There is an emergency situation.)

Cultural Insights[edit | edit source]

In Indonesia, healthcare is a combination of modern medicine and traditional practices. While hospitals and clinics are widely available in urban areas, traditional healers and herbal medicines are still commonly used in rural communities. Indonesians often seek medical treatment at the first sign of illness and place great trust in medical professionals. It is important to note that healthcare facilities and services may vary in quality and accessibility across different regions of Indonesia.

Practice Exercises[edit | edit source]

Now let's practice what we've learned! Translate the following sentences from English to Indonesian:

1. I have a fever. 2. Is there a doctor nearby? 3. My friend needs to go to the hospital. 4. Call an ambulance! 5. Where is the nearest pharmacy?

Answers: 1. Saya demam. 2. Apakah ada dokter di dekat sini? 3. Teman saya perlu pergi ke rumah sakit. 4. Panggil ambulans! 5. Di mana apotek terdekat?

Explanation: - In sentence 1, "saya" means "I", "demam" means "fever". - In sentence 2, "apakah" means "is", "ada" means "there is", "dokter" means "doctor", "di dekat" means "nearby", "sini" means "here". - In sentence 3, "teman saya" means "my friend", "perlu pergi" means "needs to go", "ke" means "to", "rumah sakit" means "hospital". - In sentence 4, "panggil" means "call", "ambulans" means "ambulance". - In sentence 5, "di mana" means "where is", "apotek" means "pharmacy", "terdekat" means "nearest".

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Congratulations! You have learned some basic medical terms and phrases in Indonesian. In this lesson, we covered illnesses, doctors, hospitals, and ambulances. Remember to practice using these words and phrases in real-life situations to improve your fluency. Being able to communicate about medical emergencies is an important skill, especially when traveling or living in Indonesia. Keep up the good work and continue building your Indonesian vocabulary!

Other Lessons[edit | edit source]

◀️ Indonesian Batik — Previous Lesson Next Lesson — Natural Disasters ▶️


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