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KoreanVocabulary0 to A1 Course → Daily Routine → Weather and Seasons


In this lesson, we will explore Korean vocabulary related to weather and seasons. Weather is a topic that comes up in everyday conversations, and being able to discuss the climate, temperature, and weather forecast in Korean will greatly enhance your language skills. Understanding weather-related vocabulary will also help you navigate through different seasons and plan your activities accordingly. Whether you're talking about a sunny day, a rainy day, or a snowy day, this lesson will provide you with the necessary vocabulary to engage in weather-related conversations confidently.

Throughout the lesson, we will provide numerous examples to illustrate each point and ensure a clear and thorough understanding of the topic. We will also include a cultural section, exploring any regional variations in the usage or understanding of weather-related vocabulary and sharing interesting cultural facts and anecdotes related to weather in Korea.

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to confidently discuss weather and seasons in Korean and engage in conversations about the climate, temperature, and weather forecast.


Weather Vocabulary

Let's start by learning some essential weather vocabulary in Korean:

Korean Pronunciation English Translation
날씨 nalssi weather
맑다 malgda clear (weather)
흐리다 heureeda cloudy
bi rain
nun snow
구름 gureum cloud
태풍 taepung typhoon
바람 baram wind
온도 ondo temperature
습도 seupdo humidity

Seasons Vocabulary

Next, let's learn vocabulary related to the four seasons in Korean:

Korean Pronunciation English Translation
bom spring
여름 yeoreum summer
가을 gaeul autumn
겨울 gyeoul winter
날씨 nalssi weather
따뜻하다 ttatteushada warm
덥다 deopda hot
시원하다 siwonhada cool
춥다 chupda cold

Weather Conditions

Now, let's learn some vocabulary related to specific weather conditions:

Korean Pronunciation English Translation
비가 오다 biga oda It's raining.
눈이 오다 nuni oda It's snowing.
구름이 많다 gureumi manhda It's cloudy.
태풍이 오다 taepungi oda There's a typhoon.
바람이 불다 barami bulda It's windy.
날씨가 좋다 nalssiga jota The weather is nice.
날씨가 좋지 않다 nalssiga johji anhda The weather is not good.
날씨가 추워요. nalssiga chuwoyo It's cold.
날씨가 덥다 nalssiga deopda It's hot.

Talking about Temperature

Now, let's learn how to talk about temperature in Korean:

Korean Pronunciation English Translation
기온 gion temperature
몇 도예요? myeot doyeyo? What's the temperature?
몇 도인가요? myeot doingayo? What's the temperature?
한글로 어떻게 말해요? hangullo eotteoke malhaeyo? How do you say it in Korean?
섭씨 seopssi Celsius
화씨 hwassi Fahrenheit
영하 yeongha below zero
영상 yeongsang freezing
영상 이상 yeongsang isang below freezing

Weather Forecast

Lastly, let's learn some vocabulary related to weather forecasts:

Korean Pronunciation English Translation
날씨 예보 nalssi yebo weather forecast
오늘 oneul today
내일 naeil tomorrow
모레 more the day after tomorrow
주말 jumal weekend
nat daytime
bam nighttime

Cultural Insights

The weather plays an important role in Korean culture, and certain weather conditions are associated with specific activities and traditions. Let's explore some cultural insights related to weather and seasons in Korea:

Rainy Days and Umbrellas

In Korea, rainy days are often associated with the use of colorful umbrellas. It is common to see people carrying umbrellas of various designs and colors to protect themselves from the rain. This cultural practice not only serves a practical purpose but also adds a vibrant and cheerful touch to the streets on rainy days.

Changing of Seasons

Korea experiences distinct seasons, and each season is celebrated in its unique way. The arrival of spring is marked by cherry blossoms, which are a symbol of renewal and beauty. Many Koreans gather in parks to enjoy the cherry blossoms and have picnics under the blooming trees. Summer is a time for beach trips, water sports, and outdoor activities. Autumn is known for its beautiful foliage, and Koreans often go on hiking trips to witness the vibrant colors of the changing leaves. Winter brings snow and the opportunity for winter sports such as skiing and snowboarding.

Monsoon Season

During the monsoon season, which typically occurs in July and August, Korea experiences heavy rainfall. This season is known as "jangma" in Korean and is characterized by frequent rain showers and high humidity. While the rain can be inconvenient, it is also a time when nature is at its most vibrant and green, making it a popular season for outdoor activities such as hiking and exploring the countryside.

Typhoon Season

Korea is occasionally affected by typhoons, which are tropical cyclones that form in the Pacific Ocean. Typhoon season in Korea typically occurs from July to September. When a typhoon is approaching, Koreans stay updated through weather forecasts and take necessary precautions to ensure their safety. Schools and workplaces may be closed, and outdoor activities are generally limited during this time.


Now, let's practice using the vocabulary we've learned in various exercises.

Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks

Complete the following sentences by filling in the blanks with the appropriate weather-related vocabulary:

1. 오늘은 날씨가 맑아요. (Today, the weather is _____.) 2. 내일은 눈이 예상되어요. (Tomorrow, _____ is expected.) 3. 바람이 너무 세요. (The wind is too _____.) 4. 기온이 몇 도예요? (What is the _____?)

Exercise 2: Weather Forecast

Imagine you are a weather forecaster. Create a weather forecast for the upcoming weekend in Korean, using the vocabulary and phrases we've learned. Be sure to include the weather conditions, temperature, and any special events or activities happening during the weekend.

Exercise 3: Cultural Discussion

Discuss the following questions with a partner or in a small group:

1. What are some weather-related activities or traditions in your culture? 2. How does the weather affect people's daily routines in your country? 3. Are there any special festivals or events associated with specific weather conditions in your culture?


Exercise 1:

1. 오늘은 날씨가 맑아요. (Today, the weather is 맑다.) 2. 내일은 눈이 예상되어요. (Tomorrow, 눈 is expected.) 3. 바람이 너무 세요. (The wind is too 세다.) 4. 기온이 몇 도예요? (What is the 기온?)

Exercise 2: (Sample Weather Forecast)

주말 날씨 예보: - 토요일: 날씨가 맑고 따뜻하다. 온도는 25도 정도예요. 공원에서 피크닉을 즐기는 것은 어떨까요? - 일요일: 구름이 많아서 흐릴 수 있어요. 온도는 22도 정도예요. 밖에서 활동하기에는 좋은 날씨는 아니지만 영화를 보기에는 좋은 날씨예요.

Exercise 3:

1. Discuss the weather-related activities or traditions in your culture. 2. Discuss how the weather affects people's daily routines in your country. 3. Discuss any special festivals or events associated with specific weather conditions in your culture.


Congratulations! You have learned a wide range of vocabulary related to weather and seasons in Korean. You can now confidently engage in conversations about the climate, temperature, and weather forecast. Remember to practice using these new words and phrases in your daily life to reinforce your learning. Understanding the weather is not only essential for practical purposes but also provides valuable cultural insights into Korea. Enjoy exploring the different seasons and weather conditions in Korea, and continue your journey to mastering the Korean language!


Talking about Weather and Seasons in Korean - YouTube

[Learn Korean Language] 10. Season, Weather 날씨, 계절 - YouTube

Korean Use these Weather Phrases - How's the weather? - YouTube


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