Community of Madrid - Polyglot Netwerk

Welkom bij het Community of Madrid Polyglot netwerk!

Welcome to/¡Bienvenidas a

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Animamos a todos los usuarios de Polyglot que vivan en Madrid para que participen activamente en los eventos que llevaremos a cabo.    ¡Será un placer conoceros en persona!

All Polyglot users living in Madrid are invited to participate in our activities.  It will be a pleasure meeting you in person!

¡Hasta pronto! / See you soon!

Admin @ Madrid - robmadrid198  Browse profile in details


ddavidd profile picture ddaviddAugust 2012
Hi, David and all the Polyglots in Madrid! See you on Tuesdays (O'Neill's), Wednesdays (Int'l Dinners), Thursdays (Beer Station) and Fridays (movies & Cachibola)!
Pincho profile picture PinchoAugust 2012
Hi everybody! I am David and I would like to improve my English or my Japanese. I can help you with your Spanish if you want!
rebecapiano profile picture rebecapianoAugust 2012
hi i'm grace and i would like to improvve my english i can teach spanish
rebecapiano profile picture rebecapianoAugust 2012
improve jajaj
alialadwan profile picture alialadwanAugust 2012

hello i am ali male from jordan 32y i stay in madrid 6 month i want learn spanish i can teach english and arabic

  • madlen profile picture madlenAugust 2012
    Welcome alialadwan, MadridBabel invites all of you to its free international meetings Wednesdays at 20:30 and Sundays at 19:00, both at Café Galdós (Los Madrazo 10 - metro Sevilla). You will practise languages, make new friends and have great fun :-) For more info:
Creëer Evenement (Community of Madrid)


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