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🕒 How do we Express the Future in Kazakh?

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vincent profile picture vincentFebruary 2023
In Kazakh, the future tense is expressed using the verb ending -асыз. For example, "мен жаңартасыз" means "I will go".
  • Yezhotoka17 profile picture Yezhotoka17April 2024

    In Kazakh, the future tense has 3 ways. The 1st is formed by adding the suffixes -a/-e/-y to the root of the verb e.g. біз барамыз we will go, олар кетеді- they will leave, ол күтеді- he will wait. the 2nd is expected future tense: it is formed by adding the suffix -aр/-ур/-р, e.g. we will go, (but we aren’t sure)- біз барармыз, олар келер - they will come=they might come, the 3rd is objective future tense (means that the action will be performed with a goal in the future. It is formed by adding -мақ/-мек/-пақ/-пек/- бақ/- бек to the root of the verb, e.g. Олар ауылға кетпек- They will go to the village (means they have decided and their goal is to move to the village), біз келмекпіз- we will come, ол үйде қалмақ- he will stay at home.