Vastake - 日本語

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I am using Duolingo for Japanese, however I am unable to retain the Hiragana and the Katakana letter. Any way I can retain and learn the characters?


Kenyu profile picture KenyuSeptember 2021

As far as I know, the repetitive training is the only way. However, you can approach it using various senses, for example, by using visual images with the meaning of the words, by listening to your favorite Japanese musics while reading the lyrics, by watching the movies or TV series with Japanese subtitles.


I hope this helps you. がんばってねsmiley

raghav1996 profile picture raghav1996October 2021
Grammar linguistics Like all other languages, the Japanese Classes could be understood formally as a pair of linguistic attributes or subjectively as a means of experiencing and ordering the world. Unlike other languages, Japanese is unique to both linguists and into the people.
Silentspeaker96 profile picture Silentspeaker96February 2022
Use Japanesepod101’s free hiragana and katakana lesson on YouTube
Use Duolingo to test what you learn. This is based on my experience and what worked for me.
ShinM profile picture ShinMSeptember 2021
It would be nice to have some book or a copied chart of the characters. Then look at them as if they were figures or signs. Spell out any favorite word in Japanese or transliterate any favorite English word, say your full nam, into Japanese, and put them on the wall or the kitchen. Learng the origin of some characters might as well help you retain them, if you are willing to bother to take a look at some kanjis. The order of the letters are not at random. It is set out in a way that one can pronounce them from the bottom あtward the front tip of the mouth わ. Only that the column of は would look odd but it was once uttered pa.