Last BIG PARTY (return September)

Event description


vincent profile picture vincentApril 2010

Nouvelle soirée CE vendredi !! Venez nombeux !! -)

vincent profile picture vincentMarch 2010

Thanks for the pictures Jm !! -)!!! Friday BIG POLYGLOT PARTY !!! (Paris, France)!!! Friday BIG POLYGLOT PARTY !!! (Paris, France)!!! Friday BIG POLYGLOT PARTY !!! (Paris, France)!!! Friday BIG POLYGLOT PARTY !!! (Paris, France)!!! Friday BIG POLYGLOT PARTY !!! (Paris, France)!!! Friday BIG POLYGLOT PARTY !!! (Paris, France)

vincent profile picture vincentMarch 2010

Polyglot was on TV a few minutes ago!! i'll post the video ASAP -))

vincent profile picture vincentMarch 2010

Rendez vous CE VENDREDI pour une nouvelle SUPER SOIREE !!!!!

vincent profile picture vincentMarch 2010

hi everybody

Welcome to the new edition of FRIDAY POLYGLOT PARTY!!!

This time music will start a little bit earlier!! 11:30 instead of 00:00

see you there !!!

vincent profile picture vincentMarch 2010

Attention, la soirée n'est pas ce soir mais vendredi prochain !

Look out, the party is not tonite but next friday !!