The First Polyglot Outdoor Activity!!!

Event description


Lilywho profile picture LilywhoMarch 2008

Eddy,I had your word. So next time if u don't show me my little elegant and cute present-'trunk from the forest park',I will refuse to talk with u...

I really feel bad to miss the meeting,so those who saw the meeting,don't hesitate to join us,or u will regret!

I was born to be an advertisor...hehe

Have a nice day! See u guys next time.



lynnfu7 profile picture lynnfu7March 2008

Oh, I am so sorry to miss this great event! I have French lessons in l'Alliance Francaise every Sunday till the end of April. I hope I can join you guys next time!

By the way, if anyone is intereted in climate change, the British Council Shanghai office is organizing an event about this topic on 21 Mar. For more info, pls feel free to check out


vincent profile picture vincentMarch 2008
Hi Jiang!!

I ve sent another news notification to the Total members in Shanghai = 598

I am in Kunming right now and am organizing the first meeting there this friday

all the best

wuying508 profile picture wuying508March 2008

Lily, what's the matter? really pity to see that you will miss this picnic, even this is your second time.

Anyway, talk to you in next polyglot meeting

Eddy99 profile picture Eddy99March 2008

To mcloclac: Sure we'll have some awesome activities in May,and we'll appreciate if u can bring us some new fresh ideas from the meeting in Paris   :-> Personally speaking,I'd like to learn french even though I only know little about it~anyway,keep in touch`man


To Lily: Oh.............that's pretty awful,I really miss ur potato chips:]        but we still have future,huh?```I'll bring ya a big trunk from the forest park to the next meeting  as a present of consoling,haha``


paperdoggie profile picture paperdoggieMarch 2008

hey, i am  the new called paper~ i want to join the picnic next Sunday~ meet  you at the line 8 station with some delicious food~

my  name, paper

  my mobile phone, 13564381230

my  E-mail address, paperdoggiepaperdoggie profile picture

mcloclac profile picture mcloclacMarch 2008

Dear chinese polyglots,

I am chinese native french, was born and raised in Paris, already member of polyglot's Paris, France. I am going to China on May and would be happy to meet you in Shanghai. If you want to improve or learn french, it will be a pleasure for me to teach you.

Is there anything on may ?


shixianshi profile picture shixianshiMarch 2008

hi,everyone. it's glad to have the chance to meet you in the park. i 'll meet you at the entrance of line8.

PH:13701850505,    E-MAIL:shixianshishixianshi profile picture