Angola - เครื่อข่ายผู้ใช้ภาษานานาชาติ


ยินดีต้อนรับสู่ Angola โพลีก็อต เนทเวิร์ค!

M'banza-Kongo (formerly known as São Salvador in Portuguese), is the capital of Angola's northwestern Zaire Province.

M'banza Kongo (properly Mbanza Koongo or Kôngo in most acceptable orthographies) was founded some time before the arrival of the Portuguese and was the capital of the dynasty ruling at that time (1483). The site was temporarily abandoned during civil wars in the 17th century. It lies close to Angola's border with the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 

It is located at around 6°16′0″S 14°15′0″E / 6.266667°S 14.25°E / -6.266667 14.25 and sits on top of an impressive flat-topped mountain, sometimes called Mongo a Kaila (mountain of division) because recent legends recall that the king created the clans of the kingdom and sent them out from there. In the valley to the south.


mapota profile picture mapotaOctober 2011

Dans des déclarations faites à l'Angop, en marge d'un séminaire sur la "Nomination de la ville de Mbanza Kongo comme patrimoine mondial", organisé par le Ministère de la Culture, Cyro Lyra a souligné que le processus nomination de Mbanza Kongo ne doit pas seullement compter sur engagement du gouvernement angolais et des techniciens spécialisés, mais aussi de l'engagement de toute la population.

Selon Cyro Correa Lyra, il est important que la population de Mbanza Kongo participe à la recherche avec des témoignages et connaissance, aidant ainsi les experts dans les investigations.

L'architecte brésilien a reconnu que la ville de Mbanza Kongo possède des conditions pour être reconnue comme patrimoine mondial

KIKOO80 profile picture KIKOO80July 2008

Hi ,

I would like to go to irland or to great britain this summer in a host family (or something else)  in order to improve my English.

Anybody interested in?

I can  teach French as well if somebody need to improve it rapidly.

I am a 20 years old french boy and I am available in August to travel.

If somebody is intereted in speaking by msn or phone, I agree to speak together,  in english or in french and when you want.

My msn is:  KIKOO80KIKOO80 profile picture  ( to chat or to speak with microphone or by phone )


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