The Netherlands - Sieć Polyglot

Witamy w The Netherlands Sieci Polyglot!


sheey profile picture sheeyJune 2010

hi!! I'm from spain and I will go to live in amsterdam this august for some months,

I want to learn english and dutch, and if somebody knowns where can I search a home to live there!

thanks! sheey

vincent profile picture vincentApril 2009

Welcome ZIYAN 

ZIYAN profile picture ZIYANApril 2009

Hi everyone,

I am new here. I    have been staying in holland almost four years, but my dutch is still very poor..... is anyone can help me with that . I will be very appreciate it .

jiangyu profile picture jiangyuApril 2009

Hello!I am a chinese university student and i want to learn english!I hope anybody could hele me  then I can also teach you chinese!!!!!

vapa profile picture vapaJanuary 2009
hello i am from Greece and i want to learn Dutch
vacances_2000 profile picture vacances_2000June 2008

t'habites aux pays-bas la maintenant, ou juste de passage?? et t'es dans quelle ville la plupart du temps?

si ca te dit, je peux te parler des pays-bas meme si au plus profond de mon coeur mon pays c'est la France :D hehehehe Ca fait deja 11 ans que j'habite ici a Delft en Hollande.

qui sait a plus.


cascendre profile picture cascendreJune 2008
Everybody hello  I come from France and I want speak about my cuntry and learn about other country . I don't know everyone in this website  thanks for a meeting.