Portugal - Polyglot Netzwerk

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Willkommen zum Portugal Polyglot Netzwerk!


SaraMedeiros profile picture SaraMedeirosFebruary 2008


O meu nome e Sara, Eu vivo em Canada e eu nasci em Canada mas o meus pais sao de Portugal.

Eu gostaria de falar em portugues com outros pessoas .Muito obrigado.

vincent profile picture vincentJanuary 2008
Olá pedralva !
pedralva profile picture pedralvaJanuary 2008
vincent profile picture vincentJanuary 2008
Welcome to the Portugal polyglot NETWORK Carolina !!
madeirensa profile picture madeirensaJanuary 2008
  Hello My name is Carolina I'm 26 and I'm living in France. I love languages, My parents are portuguese, and I will love to talk in portuguese with new people!!! thanks !!!
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