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How do you call things that kids make from sand in a sandbox?

On a playground is there a sandbox or a sandpit?

How do you call these sand things kids make there? I found a translation "a sand pie" but then I learnt it's not used. 

Also how do you call plastic molds that kids use for that? And all showels and rakes. 


Might see a stupid question but today I was wondering while being on a playground about all the names that these kid's things have in English.


Bulis profile picture Bulis2 주 전

No, sand castlea are different. I mean a castle is a castle with walls and things, usually buckets are used to make them. Or hands.

And these are like pies. Ok, I guess these things don't have a name in English. Because here these are different things. 

  • AussieInBg profile picture AussieInBg6 일 전
    No worries!

    I think the thing that is confusing you is the collocation ”sand” + ”castle”.

    Sometimes collocations lose their original literal meaning, like in this case.
  • Bulis profile picture Bulis2 주 전
    Well, still I don’t think one can name a sandcastle one single thing from sand. Like a sculpture made with a plastic mold.
    We have a special word here so I thought maybe there is a term in English.
    Anyway, thank you for your anwer
  • AussieInBg profile picture AussieInBg2 주 전
    We would actually call them sandcastles, even if they don’t have a distinct structure such as square walls or towers. They’re not always made with buckets

    ”Sandcastle”/ ”Sand castle” has become a pretty generic term for anything you make out of sand on the beach that is higher than the beach itself. It similarly gets used for what kids shape in sandpits.
AussieInBg profile picture AussieInBg2 주 전
The things make by kids you refer to are called ”sand castles”.

”Sand pit”/”sandpit” tends to be more frequently used in British English whereas ”sandbox” is more common in American English, in my experience.
Houssamza profile picture Houssamza2 주 전
To answer your question I believe Sandpit fits more in common dialect.