Lazio - Polyglot Network

Welcome to Lazio Polyglot Network!

Il Lazio è una regione amministrativa dell'Italia centrale di quasi 5,5 milioni di abitanti (ultime stime ISTAT), con capoluogo Roma. Confina a nord-ovest con la Toscana, a nord con l'Umbria, a nord-est con le Marche, a est con l'Abruzzo ed il Molise, a sud-est con la Campania, a sud-ovest con il Mar Tirreno ed al suo interno con la Città del Vaticano.


Il Colosseo

  Il Colosseo

Cala fonte a Ponza e Palmarola sullo sfondo

Cala fonte a Ponza e Palmarola sullo sfondo

Il Golfo di Gaeta

Il Golfo di Gaeta




Vee_ profile picture Vee_July 2012
Ciao .. I would like to learn italian and in exchange I can help you with english .. I speak english since I was a bambino .. I love traveling, football and anything that makes me laugh! keep in touch! send me a message if you were interested! we can skype too and learn from our mistakes..
Vee_ profile picture Vee_July 2012
Ciao .. I would like to learn italian and in exchange I can help you with english .. I speak english since I was a bambino .. I love traveling, football and anything that makes me laugh! keep in touch! send me a message if you were interested! we can skype too and learn from our mistakes..
simo98 profile picture simo98July 2012
vincent profile picture vincentJuly 2012
Anyone would like to organize a language exchange meeting ?
katjusha profile picture katjushaJune 2012
If you happen to be in Rome, I would like to meet you to exchange Russian/Italian
vincent profile picture vincentJune 2012

Sono a Roma adesso!! il tempo e molto bello !! laugh

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