Rio de Janeiro - Polyglot Network

Tere tulemast Rio de Janeiro Polüglottide Võrgustikus!

My lovely RIO

How could we talk about Rio and do not mention Bossa Nova.

This rhythm has invaded Brazil during the 50's and became popular

in the Uncle Sam's country as well.

Soft music, lovely beach, talked singing and beautiful lyrics,

that was the combination for the success.

One of the most important developers of this rhythm was

with no doubt Antonio Carlos Jobim, most known

simply as Tom Jobim. Tom was that kind of guy

who did not care about success, fame or glory, everything

he wanted to do is sing. And, oh, that was more than enough.

His songs has crossed oceans and reamain alive till now.

How would the world be without Girl From Ipanema?

'Olha que coisa mais linda, mais cheia de graça

é ela menina que vem e que passa

num doce balanço, caminho do mar

Moça do corpo dourado do sol de ipanema

o seu balançado é mais que um poema

é a coisa mais linda, que eu já vi passar'

Thank You Rio, we love you wonderful city.


  • palominha00 profile picture palominha00July 2012
    hi peoples my name is Paloma and i can speak inglish with you , i want a conversation in english !
david4421 profile picture david4421July 2012
Oi eu sou david do espirito santo estou querendo conhecer pessoas de ambos os sexos que como eu queiram tc em ingles
nanndonanndo profile picture nanndonanndoJuly 2012
ola, sou Fernando, 24 anos, faculdade e designer gráfico, residente no Rio de janeiro cidade do carnaval e praias, estou interessado em aprender o inglês, também disposto a passar o que sei de português. contato: nanndonanndo